The CUHK-SenseTime 
Secondary School Students AI Competition 2019

​​​​​​​Artificial intelligence (AI) is the technology that uses machine intelligence to simulate human intelligence in performing tasks and solving problems. Application areas of AI include visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, machine translation, self-driving cars, and more. The technology has broad implications as a disruptive force that is reshaping the world and changing the ways we live and work in the future.

As an effort to encourage the exploration of scientific and technological innovation focusing on AI, and the sharing of AI knowledge and experience among secondary school students, CUHK and SenseTime Group Ltd are happy to announce the joint organization of “The CUHK-SenseTime Secondary School Students AI Competition 2019” to be held in the April-May 2019.  The event is open and free for all secondary schools in Hong Kong and Macao to join, and serves to provide an opportunity for our young generation of students to present and share their works related to the learning and applications of AI technology. 

We are pleased to announce the list of teams (in random order) admitted to the Final Round of the Competition:

School NameTeam NameProject Title
Christian Alliance S W Chan Memorial CollegeA.I.CAMeA.I.CAMe
順德聯誼總會翁祐中學YYC Team1利用人工智能技術分析智障人士情緒及行為動機
The Y.W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yoeng CollegeRising HioeciansIdentifying and Supporting pupils with Dyslexia
Pui Ching Middle School MacauPCMS針對澳門的AI 路牌辨識
Christian and Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Secondary SchoolSKSS Scientific Research TeamArtificial Intelligence Career Planning System
St. Paul's Co-educational CollegeSPCCBike Jacket
CCC Yenching CollegeYCImageResearchReal Life Application of Image Detection Technology
St.Paul's Co-educational CollegeSPCCCantonese Lip Reading
Stewards Pooi Kei College4 PeacersTyphoon Intensity Forecast
Diocesan Girls' School, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) CollegeCaffeine LemniscateElesafer: Security with Machine Learning

Congratulations to the above Teams !

Details regarding the Final Round of Competition:

  • Date/Venue:
    • Date:      11 May 2019
    • Time:     9:30 am – 2:30 pm
    • Venue:  Room 603 (Reading Room), Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building, CUHK, Shatin, NT

  • Poster and Oral Presentation
    • Each team should bring a poster for display. (A display board will be provided.)
    • A team can also bring along any setup for the demonstration of their project and outcomes. (A table will be provided alongside the display board. Any laptop or electronic devices should be fully charged in advance.)
    • Each team will be allocated 15 minutes with the Judging Panel: 10 minutes for ppt presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A.
      ​​​​​​​(A computer and projector will be provided.)

  • Poster Guidelines
    • Recommended size:  36 inches (W) X 48 inches (H)
    • Poster board surface area can be up to 74.5 inches vertically and 37 inches horizontally. None of the material (label, figures, charts, tables etc.) shall extend beyond the poster board surface.
    • Poster should include the school name, Team’s name and the project title.
    • Poster should be printed and mounted by the team themselves.

  • Final Round Judging criteria
    • Poster design (20%)
    • Project content: problem formulation and solution, amount of work; project outcomes (45%)
    • Presentation and delivery (clarity and quality) (20%)
    • Handling of Q&A (15%)

A further email on the actual rundown of the Final Round Competition will be communicated next week.

Competition Theme

  • Aspects of AI ♦ AI面面觀

Competition Co-Organizers:

  • Faculty of Engineering, CUHK
  • SenseTime Group Ltd​​​​

Supporting Unit:

  • Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies, CUHK

Team Composition

  • A school can field multiple teams to participate in the Competition, with a quota of not more than 3 teams. 
  • The number of students in a team should not exceed 5. Each team should be led by a school teacher. 
  • A team can be made up of students from different schools. In this case, the names of the schools involved should be filled in during the Team Registration, and there should be only one supervising school teacher for the team.
  • An inter-school team will count towards the quota of all the schools involved.
  • A student can participate in no more than 2 teams.

Rounds of Competition

  • Initial Round: Each team will submit a written project report for the Initial Round. The template of the project report can be downloaded from our website. The report will be evaluated by an Judging Panel based on the general criteria provided below. The Judging Panel will select a list of school teams to participate in the Final Round.
  • Final Round: Teams that make the Final Round will be judged by a process that includes on-site project presentations and Q&A from the Judging Panel. The venue of the Final Round will be in the CUHK campus.

Project Content

Topics of the project reports can be wide-ranging. They can be on existing or new applications of AI, or explaining how AI works, or showing the possible adverse effects of AI, or predicting how AI is going to affect future society. The project can be a theoretical study, or a simulation, or an actual demonstration. The Competition particularly welcome innovative ideas and fresh perspectives on viewing and understanding the current form of AI technology.

The Judging Panel and Judging Criteria

  • Judging Panel:
    • From CUHK
      • Prof. Morris Jong (Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education)
      • Prof. Irwin King (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)       
      • Prof. Xunying Liu (Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, Faculty of Engineering)
      • Prof. Helen Meng (Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, Faculty of Engineering)  
      • Prof. Guoliang Xing (Department of Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
      • Prof. Yeung Yam (Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
      • Prof. Bolie Zhou (Department of Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)
    • From SenseTime Group
      • Dr. Luo Ping
      • Dr. Zhang Wei (Senior Research Director)
  • ​​​​​​​​​​Project reports will be evaluated according to the following factors: project objectives; incorporation of AI technology; project execution and solution approach; project outcomes; and display/demonstration, if any.

Recognition and Reward

  • The top performers of the Competition will be presented with certificates recognizing their performances, and also the following rewards.

  • Cash Prize:
    The First Prize Team HKD5,000
    Second Prize Team(s)HKD3,000
    Third Prize Team(s)HKD2,000
  • ​​​​​​​Counseling Program: The First Prize Team will also receive continuous guidance and support from senior researchers of SenseTime in the year after the Competition. The assistance and counseling programs is aimed at helping the students to compete in national or world-class competitions.

  • Project Internship: Members in the First Prize Team and Second Prize Team(s) will have the opportunity to visit SenseTime and collaborating universities (such as CUHK, Tsinghua University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, etc.) for internship or summer vacation.

Registration and Submission

A School Team needs to register for the Competition first, and then submit its Project Report for the Initial Round by the deadline
​​​​​​​(April 5, 2019) through the Competition website.

The template of the Project Report can also be downloaded from the website. The event is free for all secondary schools in Hong Kong  and Macao to join.

Important Dates

Team Registration DeadlineApril 5, 2019
Initial Round:
Project Report Submission Deadline
April 27, 2019
Announcement of the Finalist TeamsMay 4, 2019
Final Round:
​​​​​​​Project Presentation and Q&A at CUHK Campus
May 11, 2019

Contact Information

Faculty of Engineering


Organizing committee:

Chairman:  Prof. Yeung Yam (Faculty of Engineering, CUHK)

Members:   Prof. Helen Meng (Faculty of Engineering, CUHK)

                       Prof. Morris Jong (Faculty of Education, CUHK)

                       Dr. Zhang Yang (SenseTime Group)

Supporting Unit: